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Ocean Cleanup is officially a thing, per the United Nations World Ocean Conference

Updated: May 28, 2020

The UN Declaration “Our ocean, our future; call for action” surpasses the concept of just global awareness, this means our time to act is now! The global oceans is the lynchpin of our planets biodiversity, playing a vital role in the world-wide oxygen supply, climate system, water cycle, economy, and food chain. In essence, to allow the oceans to be our collective trash bin, we destroy the future generation’s possibility for existence.

The time for inactivity has long passed. Our time to act is now!

Plastic Mismanaged

Plastic pollution is the problem and this is the time fore action. The combination of the rising ocean levels due to warming, plastic pollution entering our waters at 8 million tons per year, and half of the world’s living coral being lost, paints a dire reality for us, the planet’s caretakers. Hence, Ocean Saviours has entered the fray to act upon stopping and reversing the steady decline of the ocean’s ecosystems by restoring its resilience and ecological integrity through viable protection action measure.

In accordance with our allegiance to ESG constructs, our Environmental focal points are geared towards plotting coordinates to intercept and push back the ecological ills of:

  • waste and pollution

  • climate change

  • greenhouse gas emission

  • deforestation

  • resource depletion

As we gather means and affiliations, OceanSaviours is obligated to complete our unique part in promoting and generating ocean cleanup, reef protection and marine life ecosystem protection through synergistic partnerships and collective impact.

In the words of Jacques Cousteau, “The sea is the universal sewer.” For our future generation we must not only unclog the sewer, it is also our duty to clean it out. Slowing or stopping the flow of plastic waste in the waterways (rivers etc.) will curb trash from ending up in our global dumping site which, for the lack of proper awareness, has been the oceans. A big leap in course correction is accumulating OceanSaviours resources in preparation of World Environment Day (WED), as we unveil future action steps to reduce the enormous burden plastic pollution has placed upon all global citizens. This is a fight for the future of every living creature in the Earth’s ecosystem, join us and become an OceanSaviour today!

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